The Spanish Dance photography series emerged from the Edward Gonzalez award during which time Risa Korris focused on Spanish government sponsored companies Ballet Nacional de España (BNE) and Compañía Nacional de Danza. She photographed BNE company rehearsals under director Jose Antonio at company headquarters in Chopera Studios in Madrid and principal BNE dancers Miguel Corbacio and Maribel Alonso on the rooftop of the Circulo des Bellas Artes in Madrid. Following Compañía Nacional de Danza on tour to the Canary Islands, Risa photographed soloists Ana Lopez and Francisco Lorenzo on the lava cliffs of Gran Canaria.
Pool waters, graphic floats, quiet moments basking in California sun – these photo sessions establish a starting point for large oil paintings.
The American Dance series features dance companies Aspen Santa Fe Ballet principals Seth and Brook Grasso and Santa Fe Opera Ballet’s Lily Peck. In the photographs, the wide open vistas of New Mexico lift the performance from proscenium to the extraordinary landscape of the “Land of Enchantment”.
Antiques photography for museum exhibitions, catalogs and website opens a world of historic objects from all over the world. Indian Rajasthan ivory chess sets, African Mancala boards, Queen Victoria ivories, Chinese Puzzle balls, Chinese Xiangqui Celedon centuries old. Each of these rare pieces an amazing bit of history and incredible craft. Risa Korris’ photographs have appeared in conjunction with exhibitions at The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Summerhouse London, The Asia Society New York and Sackler Galleries DC, The Tate Modern and the Penn Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.